Monday, November 26, 2012

November's Virtue: Cooperation!

A one-man band can play a simple tune, but with more than one musician we can have a true jam session and build a beat together. Because cooperation is working together to do more than you can do alone.  Our virtue is Cooperation. This month we have discussed what it means to cooperate. Our Bottom Lines for this month are:
1 - With God, we can work together to get His work done.

2 - With God, we can work together to make someone else succeed.
3 - With God, we can work together to do what seems impossible.
4 - With God, we can work together to change someone’s life.

Notice how all of them start with “With God”. We can’t do amazing things in life without God; but “With God” we can change the world. If we cooperate with each other, we can accomplish anything!

Like the outfits? Our theme this month (November) is Jam Session so we decided to have the set of a rock concert on stage! We have two trust standing vertical on either sides of the stage with stage lighting (not plug in but has a cool effect) and some black lights! We have blown up guitars for the kids to rock out during worship. We have a keyboard a mic and a drum set for our band (of which we are hoping to get together really soon so we can have live music for worship) and two funky pieces of spandex) stretched across the stage) with led lighting. We also have the words “JAM SESSION” in the corner of the stage in which we made with white paper which also have led lights! It’s simple yet very edgy!

Next virtue is: Compassion! The theme is called: The Big Give!

The Creator of the entire universe was attentive to His creation. He saw and understood our ultimate consequences of sin. He saw our greatest need. And He did something about it. He humbled Himself to be born as a tiny baby in a remote town in the dwelling place of animals. He lived as one of us so that, eventually, He could die for us and rise again, giving us the chance to live eternally with God in heaven.

The Christmas story shows that one aspect of God’s character is compassion. COMPASSION is caring enough to do something about someone else’s need. God lovingly saw our greatest need and met it in the most remarkable way.

God’s example of compassion is summarized in the monthly Memory Verse: “God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.” (John 3:16, NIrV) God saw the world’s greatest need and cared enough to do something.

                                                                                     - Jessica McKee (Orange Leader)

I can’t wait to get creative and figure out how we should design the set! I will keep you updated with our set ideas! Until next time, I encourage you all to focus on “cooperation”. How can you change someone’s life today?

Love God. Love People.

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